Preparations and Characterizations of Stabilizer-free Vitamin E Nanovehicle
Figure S1. Preparation protocol of dispersion A
Figure S2. TEM image of dispersion A: DL-α-Toc with phosphotungstic acid staining
Figure S3. Preparation protocol of dispersion B
Figure S4. TEM image of dispersion B: DL-α-Toc with uranyl acetate staining
Figure S5. (a) UV spectra of the chromanol rings in DL-α-Toc and PMC; (b) Polarity parameter v.s. maximum absorption wavelength, λmax
Figure S6. Size dependence of DL-α-Toc nanoparticles on DL-a-Toc concentration in the DMSO preparation
Figure S7. UV spectra of ethanol solutions of DL-α-Toc at different concentrations
Figure S8. 1H-NMR spectra of ethanol solutions of DL-α-Toc at different concentrations
Table S1. Summary of characterizations of the VE dispersions A, prepared using 0.4 wt% ethanol solution and pure water as the water medium
Figure S9. (a) Representative UV–vis absorption spectra with and without the DL-α-Toc dispersion vehicle; (b) A DLS chart after the radical scavenging test
Figure S10. (a) Effect of Tween 80 on UV–vis spectra; (b) representative DLS chart after solublilization in 0.2 wt% Tween 80 aq.
Figure S11. Dose-dependence of TBHP on cell viability in %
Analysis of the molecular mechanism of cell death induced by oxidized fatty acids and construction of the network model
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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