Correlation Between Directions of Postural Sway Induced by Gaze Change and Auditory Stimulation –Postural Sway Data from 23 Subjects–
The dataset provides postural sway data from 23 subjects as well as their summary. The file named “Scatter_plots.xlsx” includes postural sway directions for the 23 subjects on all experimental conditions (gaze change and auditory stimulation). HLEL denotes an experiment in which a subject turned his/her head left and his/her gaze left. For the details of such notation, please read the next paragraph. The postural sway direction of each trial was given in the second to 13th lines for the 23 subjects (Sub_1 to Sub_23). The averaged directions were given in the 17th to 22th lines. The 26th to 44th lines represent the averaged postural directions between head/gaze conditions and sound conditions. The four block correspond to the four graphs, A to D, on the right.
A file named as Sub_X.xlsx includes all trajectories of a subject. Here, X represents the subject ID, which is between 1 and 23. Each sheet in a file contains a trajectory in an experimental condition. As mentioned earlier, a notation such as “HRER” denotes an experiment in which a subject turned his/her head and gaze right. There are two sheets begins with HRER because two trials were carried out in each experimental condition. HLER represents head left, gaze right. The other combinations of HxEy were named in the same manner. CSL/CSR denotes the sound simulation was applied from the left/right, the first C means eyes closed.
Each sheet includes four data columns. Columns A and B are the raw positions on the x and y axes for the entire 40 s trial. Columns D and E represent the normalized positons, which were translated so that the position at the onset of the neck dorsal muscle stimulation became the origin. G2 cell denotes the postural sway direction.
For the details of the experimental conditions, please consult the original article.