Transition of infection control measures for on-site event under the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: For Tokusatsu and Anime events held in Japan from 2020 to 2022
This study focuses on "Tokusatsu tourism," a tourism phenomenon that attracts tokusatsu films, and "Anime tourism," a tourism phenomenon that attracts anime films, from a historical perspective to clarify the history of tourism as a phenomenon. From 2020 to 2022, we summarized the chronological transition of how event venues have resumed their events while implementing measures to prevent the spread of infection. As a result, we found that the "trial and error period (2020)" was a time of trial and error in order to resume events, such as the introduction of online events in place of on-site events, "summer events (2021)" in which regular summer events attracting many people were resumed by utilizing the know-how on infection prevention measures developed in the 2020 events, and "the resumption period (2022)" in which the resumption of summer events attracted many visitors. The "development period (2022)," in which new attempts such as the resumption of programs involving physical contact, such as handshaking events, were implemented in addition to the infection prevention measures developed over the aforementioned two years.