
Think about Copyright Reform in Other Countries on the 50th Anniversary of Japanese Copyright Law

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posted on 2021-01-18, 09:26 authored by Iwao KIDOKORO
The Japanese Copyright Law celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020. The biggest change surrounding Copyright Law in the last 50 years is development of digitalization. Digital archives made steady progress in developed countries. In 2004, Google announced its book search project Google Books. Google Books digitalized books provided by libraries and publishes and made them searchable. In 2005, Europe launched Europeana. Europeana is a web portal created by the European Union (EU) containing digitalised museum collections of more than 3,000 institutions across Europe. To make orphan works easier to use, EU enacted the Orphan Works Directive in 2008 and the Digital Single Market (DSM)Copyright Directive in 2019. DSM Copyright Directive introduced extended collective licensing(ESL) system. In Google Books copyright infringement law suits, the US federal courts accepted Google's fair use defense. In 2015, the US Copyright Office published report on orphan works, but did not introduce ECL after receiving public comments that orphan woks problem could be solved by fair use. South Korea tackles orphan works problem actively and started copyright reform including ECL. This presentation suggests measures for Japan to accelerate her snail's pace copyright reform.


Manuscript title

[34] Think about Copyright Reform in Other Countries on the 50th Anniversary of Japanese Copyright Law

Translated title


Translated description


Translated manuscript title

[34] 著作権法50周年に諸外国の改正動向について考える

Translated authors

城所 岩生