Proposal of metadata schema for searching worlds in metaverse: Toward the construction of an archiving system for VR environment
Currently, the "metaverse" space is about to become an infrastructure for 3D virtual space. However, we have not been able to find an archiving system to reuse virtual space content in the future. We believe that when the metaverse becomes widespread, there will be a need for a "world archiving system" that collects, organizes, stores, and provides information provided in the virtual space. Otherwise, we believe that cultural resources in virtual space will be scattered like Web information resources.
In fact, there are experimental cases of using the metaverse to create entertainment content by mixing materials from virtual and real spaces. To avoid repeated dissipation of information resources, we need to build an archiving system.
In this paper, we propose and explain the world metadata of virtual space and its search system in the virtual space archiving system.