the aim of accumulating and disclosing information on cultural properties in
southern Hokkaido and utilizing them through open data, a website
"Cultural Properties in Southern Hokkaido" has been established in
2017 through the cooperation of the Liaison Council of Museums and Facilities
of the Southern Hokkaido Block and Future University Hakodate (FUN). In this
presentation, we will first describe the background of this project and the
overall concept of the website, including the use of cultural property
information by open data. After that, we will describe the outline of the
website and the trend of access to the website in the three years of
operation. In this project, we are constructing applications for the purpose
of verification to utilize the accumulated information on cultural properties
in the fields of tourism and education. In this presentation, we describe a
route map application for visiting cultural properties by automatic theme
generation and an application for approximate query search across local
history archives to support the creation of local educational materials.
Manuscript title
[13] An Attempt to Utilize Local Cultural Properties through Digital Archiving and Open Data