GC-MS analysis of long chain alkyl diols and hydroxy alkenoates in surface sediment from the Northwest Pacific off the coast of Sanriku and culture samples of diatom Proboscia alata (Supplementary Information)
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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-31, 12:46authored byKotaro Hoshi, Madoka Kobayashi, Akira Kuwata, Ken Sawada
Long-chain (C28, C30, and C32) alkyl diols (LCD) in marine sediments are considered to originate from marine diatom genus Proboscia and Eustigmatophytes. LCD has been proposed as a proxy for upwelling, riverine input and sea surface temperature, but has not yet been applied much to palaeoceanographic studies. Long-chain (C27 and C29) hydroxy alkenoates such as 12-hydroxy methyl alkanoate (MA) were found in marine sediments and also derived from diatom Proboscia. In this study, we analyzed LCD and 12-OH MA in surface sediment from the Northwest Pacific off the coast of Sanriku and Proboscia alata culture sample. We identified monosaturated and saturated 1,13-, 1,14-, and 1,15-diols, as well as saturated 12-OH MA.