Raw datasets acquired to investigate the possible roles of CAHS proteins from tardigrade in osmotic stress tolerance in mammalian cells and their analysis program
The data set can be classified into four principal categories.
・The raw image data obtained by time-lapse imaging (TIF format).
・The numerical data of mEGFP fluorescence intensity of each cell, which was used to quantify expression levels (CSV format).
・The raw data of the WST-1 and LDH assays (txt format).
・The Python program code (ipynb format).
The names of the files indicate which figure in Related Materials 1 they correspond to.
In order to utilize the Python program code, it is necessary to refer to the file whose name corresponds to the respective filename.
To illustrate, in order to utilize the "Fig2_C_PythonProgram.ipynb", it is necessary to refer to the "Fig2_C_CAHS1-mEGFP_dox-0ng.csv", "Fig2_C_CAHS1-mEGFP_dox-1ng.csv", "Fig2_C_CAHS1-mEGFP_dox-10ng.csv", and "Fig2_C_CAHS1-mEGFP_dox-100ng.csv" files.
Please note that the file path can be changed.
Further details on the analytical methodology can be found in the Methods section of Related Materials 1.
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Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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Search and functional analysis of tardigrade-specific non-domain proteins
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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