Beech tree surveys were conducted at Amagi Mountains in the Izu Peninsula, Japan to harvest timber for the construction of Western-style ships at the end of the Edo period. Images of two documents (Documents #1-#2) recording the results of the surveys and those related to the surveys (Documents #3-#9) are demonstrated. These are hand-copies of historical documents bound in ‘Izu Rinseishi Shiryo-hen’ (the edition of material concerning Izu-Rinseishi, Tokyo Eirinkyoku 1964) and photo-copied by the author. Additionally, photo-copies of original historical documents acquired in the material survey during the compilation of "History of Shizuoka Prefecture," managed by the Shizuoka Prefectural History and Culture Information Center are attached to Documents #7 and #8. The document numbers correspond to the document number in Tble 1 of the manuscript. Every image is demonstrated with permissions from each managing authority.
The impact of forest use in the Edo period on modern forests revealed from historical documents.