Training images for semantic segmentation for general road surface
The ZIP file "" includes 3200 road surface images for training. Those images include original images and their three types of symmetric images. An example of those images is as follows.
c_GX0041_000877: an original image
c_GX0041_000877_lr: a symmetric image about left and right of the original one
c_GX0041_000877_ud: a symmetric image about top and bottom of the original one
c_GX0041_000877_udlr: a point symmetric image of the original one
The ZIP file "" includes 3200 ground truth images (supervised images) corresponding to their road images. Those images are gray scale (8bit) and in our data, an integer from 1 to 4 is given to each pixles. Meanings of the integers are as follows.
1: road_inside
2: road_outsides
3: manhole
4: joint etc
Development of road road surface soundness evaluation system for use by local governments
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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