Tsunami Data Obtained by the GPS Tsunami Meter in Japan between 2001 and 2011
This data set is the tsunami records measured by the GPS buoys that were developed in Japan.
Method of measurements: RTK (real-time kinematic) GPS
Sampling interval: 1 second
Data format: GGK format:
1: Talker ID $PTNL
2: Message ID GGK
3: UTC time: hhmmss.ss
4: UTC date: MMDDYY
5: Latitude: ddmm.mmmmmmm
6: Direction of Latitude: N:North, S:South
7: Longitude: dddmm.mmmmmmm
8: Direction of Longitude: E:East, W:West
9: GPS Quality Indicator: 1. Autonomous GPS fix, 2. DGPS, 3. RTK float, 4. RTK fixed
10:Number of satellites in fix
11: Dilution of Precision of fix (DOP)
12: Ellipsoidal height of fix (antenna height above ellipsoid). Must start with EHT
13: M:ellipsoidal height is measured in meters
14: The checksum data, always begin with *
Recorded tsunamis by GPS tsunami meter:
1. 2001 Peru earthquake
Origin time (UTC): 2001-06-23 20:33:14
Magnitude: Mw8.4
Epicenter: 16:15:54.0S, 73:38:27.6W
GPS buoy position: (Off Ofunato) 39:00:36N, 141:47:06E
2. 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake
Origin time (UTC): 2003-09-25 19:50:06
Magnitude: Mw8.2
Epicenter: 41:48:54.0N, 143:54:36.0E
GPS buoy position: (Off Ofunato) 39:00:36N, 141:47:06E
3. 2004 Kii-Suido-Oki earthquake
(First earthquake)
Origin time (UTC): 2004-09-05 10:07:07
Magnitude: Mw7.2
Epicenter: 33:04:12N, 136:37:05E
(Second earthquake)
Origin time (UTC): 2004-09-05 14:57:18
Magnitude: Mw7.4
Epicenter: 33:11:02N, 137:04:16E
GPS buoy position: (Off Muroto to South) 33:08:26N, 134:12:10E
4. 2010 Central Chile earthquake
Origin time (UTC): 2010-02-27 06:34:11
Magnitude: Mw8.8
Epicenter: 36:07:19S, 72:53:53W
GPS buoy position: (Off Muroto to NW) 33:15:15N, 134:02:15E
5. 2011 Tohoki-Chiho-Taiheiyo-Oki earthquake
Origin time (UTC): 2011-03-11 05:46:24
Magnitude: Mw9.1
Epicenter: 38:17:49N, 142:22:23W
GPS buoy position: (Off Muroto to NW) 33:15:15N, 134:02:15E
Data file name format:
Where YYYY is year, MM is month, DD is day in UTC, and H1M1S1 is the time of the first data and H2M2S2 is the last time of data, respectively, in 6 digits. “ggk” is for the format type.
Development of a tsunami detection system using RTK-GPS
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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