
Tabulation of forest area and forestry activities of entities using microdata in Census of Agriculture and Forestry, from year 2000 to 2015.xlsx

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posted on 2021-11-04, 04:57 authored by Kazuya Tamura
This data is a tabulation of the forestland and forestry activities of the entities by entity type and prefecture, based on the microdata (entity candidate list and management entity questionnaire) of the four times "Census of Agriculture and Forestry" from 2000 to 2015 conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). By integrating the entity candidate list and the survey result of the management entity, the forestland and forestry activities by the entire entities are tabulated. The data was obtained from the MAFF Statistics Department by the application procedure of the Statistics Act.
The "description" sheet describes items used in this data. The types of entities were classified into household, organized, school and experiment center, undeterminable, and missing for all entities, and among them, household with 1ha or more forestland were classified into farmers and non-farmers. In addition, the management entities were divided into forestry management entities and non-forestry management entities.
The "Forestland" sheet is a compilation of the number of entities and the owned forest area by its size.
The "Forestry" sheet is a compilation of the number of entities who have carried out forestry operation (forestation, weeding, etc., thinning, final cutting), forest product sales, and material production, and the area or material production volume. In addition, the implementation rate and area ratio of forestry activities were calculated using the corresponding number of entities and forest area owned by entity type, size of forest area, and prefecture as the denominator.
For data and aggregation method, please see my manuscript. For the definition of entity type and the contents of the survey items, please refer to "Overview" and the "Qustionnaire" of the Census of Agriculture and Forestry (MAFF).


Examination of industrial development of the Japanese forestry by a structural analysis using micro-data of 2015 Census of Agriculture and Forestry

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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Microdata Integration of "Census of Agriculture and Forestry" and Its Utilization Possibility

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このデータは、2000年から2015年の4回の農林業センサスのミクロデータ(客体候補名簿、調査票)を用いて、調査客体の山林保有状況と林業活動を、客体種別及び都道府県別に集計したものである。客体候補名簿と調査票の統合により、調査客体全体の保有山林と林業活動を把握した。データは、統計法第33条第2号の申請手続により農林水産省統計部から入手した。  データで用いている項目の説明は、「description」シートに記載した。客体種別は、全ての客体についてその形態により家族、非家族、学校試験場、判定不能、所在不明に区分し、そのうち保有山林面積1ha以上の家族(林家)は農家と非農家に区分した。また、経営体については、林業経営体と林業経営体でない経営体(農業のみ経営体)に区分した。  「Forestland」シートは、保有山林面積規模別の客体数と保有山林面積を集計したものである。  「Forestry」シートは、林業作業(植林・下刈りなど・間伐・主伐)、林産物販売、及び素材生産を実施した客体数と、その実施面積ないし素材生産量を集計したものである。また、客体種別・保有山林面積別・都道府県別の対応する客体数と保有山林面積を分母にして、林業活動の実施率、実施面積率を算出した。  データと集計方法については、拙稿をご覧いただきたい。また、客体種別の定義や調査項目の内容は、農林業センサスの「利用者のために」「農林業経営体調査票」を参照されたい。

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田村 和也