Version 2 2022-06-13, 02:28Version 2 2022-06-13, 02:28
Version 1 2022-06-08, 02:40Version 1 2022-06-08, 02:40
posted on 2022-06-13, 02:28authored byYuanyuan Teng
This document includes a brief intorducation and summary statistis for the questionnaire survey “Residence, health, and lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey includes questions about personal characteristics, residential conditions and migration intentions, impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and health, working conditions, and lifestyles. Only background variables and variables related to migration intentions are included in the document. The article “Internal Migration Intentions of Young Adults Living in Tokyo: Focusing on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic” (Quarterly Journal of Geography, 73(4), 250-263) is based on this survey.
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