Structural geological data of the Shionohira and Kuruma faults in southeastern Fukushima Prefecture, NE Japan
Table S1. Occurrence of calcite and sense of shear. LSS = latest slip surface. *: including LSS.
Table S2. Fault-slip data for the Shionohira Fault from the SFS-2 core. The stereogram that shows these data and results of the multiple inverse method are shown in Figs 8a and 9a(Sakai et al., 2024) respectively. The data are consistent with those of Fig. 10a(Sakai et al., 2024). The position of the shear plane is expressed as the measured depth (m) to the intersection of the shear plane and center line of the core sample. The shear sense was estimated from composite planar fabrics and slickenside kinematic indicators. The shear plane classification consists of the Y-, P-, and R1-shears. LSS = latest slip surface.
Table S3. Fault-slip data for the Kuruma Fault from the MFS-1 core. The stereogram that shows these data and results of the multiple inverse method are shown in Figs 8b and 9b(Sakai et al., 2024), respectively. The data are consistent with those of Fig. 11a(Sakai et al., 2024). The position of the shear plane is expressed as the measured depth (in m) to the intersection of the shear plane and center line of the core sample. The shear sense was estimated from composite planar fabrics and slickenside kinematic indicators. The shear plane classification consists of Y-, P-, and R1-shears. LSS = latest slip surface.
Table S4. Principal stress direction and the stress ratio of stress states detected by the multiple inverse method (Fig. 9; Sakai et al., 2024). Stress ratio Φ = (σ2 − σ3)/(σ1 − σ3).