Stem and branch sizes of Ubame oak (Quercus phillyraeoides) in Muroto region, Kochi Prefecture, Japan.
Individual ID: Individual identifiers from A to I.
DBH: Diameter at 1.3 m height calculated with the area of tree cooky (with bark, just after cut) measured using a CCD image scanner.
Tree height: The longest path length from the root to the branch top using a tape measure aligned with stems.
Branch ID: Stem and branch identifiers of each individual (start-end). "Root" denotes the root of each tree. "End" denotes the ends of branches. The numbers following "End" indicates that there were plural branches.
Length: Branch length measured at 1 cm resolution using a tape measure aligned with stems.
Root diameter: Diameter of the root side of each branch measured using tape measures at 0.1 cm resolution. Several thin branches of A and B were measured using a caliper at 0.01 cm resolution.
End diameter: Diameter of the top side of each branch measured by the same method with root diameters.
Note: Branches with root diameters larger than 1.5 cm (for A and B: 1.0 cm) were measured. Each tree had numerous thinner branches but not measured.
Survey date: 29 Sep 2021 - 15 Oct 2021.
Coordinate area: 33°19'05"N 134°07'13"E - 33°19'14"N 134°07'21"E
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