Research on trends in the category of digital health technologies
This dataset was created to investigate research trends in each of the 11 digital health technology categories identified by previous studies. The dataset was created using the number of articles, such as books, conference papers, journal papers, and magazines published in the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Xplore between 2003 and 2022. The dataset consists of a sheet with the number of articles for each of the 11 digital health technology categories and a sheet summarizing them (i.e., the raw data in Figure 2).
Each sheet of the xlsx file shows the following data.
- The sheet named "Figure 2" is the raw data from Figure 2 of our published article.
- Other sheets: Number of articles comprising the data in Figure 2, aggregated by year.
Digital Health Technology Preventive Intervention Guidelines for Mental Health
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
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