Methodology for retrieving papers on “Virtual Reality Research in Marketing Focusing on Consumers” and results of feature analysis of data in these papers.
This document supports the article entitled “Virtual Reality Research in Marketing Focusing on Consumers”
Average sample size of the research group that used HMDs and the group that did not use HMDs. In studies comparing the groups that used and did not use HMDs, data were extracted only from the group that used HMDs to calculate the sample size.
Table 1
Relationship between the classification in this study and the classification in previous studies, and the number of target articles for each classification.
Table 2
List of journals in which the targeted papers were published
Table 3
Types of HMDs used in the research. The number of studies does not refer to the number of papers, but includes multiple studies within each paper. Additionally, there are cases in which multiple HMDs were used in the same study, resulting in N=66.
Elucidation of the effect and immersive promotion factor of marketing communication using VR technology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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