
List of studies reviewed in “Virtual Reality Research in Marketing Focusing on Consumers”

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Version 2 2023-01-06, 10:00
Version 1 2023-01-04, 17:57
posted on 2023-01-06, 10:00 authored by Reo Fukuda

This document provides an overview of the characteristics of 49 empirical papers and 63 studies that were reviewed for "Virtual Reality Research in Marketing Focusing on Consumers”. This study used two distinct strategies to identify relevant research articles for inclusion in the analysis.

Strategy A: Utilizing the SCImago Institutions Rankings as a reference, we targeted the top 50 ranked academic journals and extracted articles that incorporated "Virtual Reality" within their titles, abstracts, or keywords. Articles were obtained directly from the publisher of each journal. In cases where keyword search functionality was absent (e.g., Emerald), we limited the search to papers containing "Virtual Reality" in either their titles or abstracts. This approach resulted in the identification of 65 articles.

Strategy B: Our search extended to various databases featured on the EBSCOhost platform, including "Academic Search Premier," "Business Source Premier," "Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection," "ERIC," "EconLit with Full Text," and "Teacher Reference Center." We focused on articles that pertained to both "Marketing" and "Virtual Reality," ensuring that they were peer-reviewed and available in full text. After removing duplicates identified in Strategy A, we extracted an additional 58 articles.

In total, 123 articles were retrieved from both strategies. We meticulously reviewed the abstracts and keywords of each article to exclude those unrelated to Virtual Reality or not targeting consumers (e.g., articles on education, research, and development). Consequently, our final dataset included 51 articles (49 empirical papers, comprising 48 quantitative and 1 qualitative study, and 2 framework papers) for further examination.


Elucidation of the effect and immersive promotion factor of marketing communication using VR technology

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Title (in Japanese)


Description (in Japanese)

この資料は,「消費者を対象としたマーケティングにおけるVR研究」がレビューの対象とした実証的論文49篇63研究の特徴を示している。本データとした論文の検索方法は以下の2種であった。 A.学術雑誌ランキングサイト(SCImago Institutions Rankings)にもとづき,ランキング上位50位雑誌を対象に各出版社から当該雑誌内の概要,キーワード,タイトルのいずれに「Virtual Reality」が含まれる論文を検索。キーワードを対象とした検索が選択できないデータベース(e.g. Emerald)については,概要,タイトルのいずれかに含まれるものを検索。これらの結果,65篇の論文を抽出。 B.EBSCOhostに含まれるデータベース「Academic Search Premier」,「Business Source Premier」,「Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection」,「ERIC」,「EconLit with Full Text」,「Teacher Reference Center」の全てを対象に検索。「Marketing」,「Virtual Reality」の両者が含まれ,かつ「全文が入手可能」な「査読付き論文」が対象。これらの結果1つ目の方法で検索された論文との重複を除いた58篇を抽出。 この2つの方法で抽出された合計123篇について,概要とキーワードを精査し,VRと関連のないもの,消費者を対象とした研究ではないもの(教育や研究開発)が除外され,最終的に本研究の対象となった論文は51篇(実証的49篇(量的48篇,質的1篇),フレームワーク構築2篇)となった。

Manuscript title (in Japanese)

消費者を対象としたマーケティングにおけるVR研究 ― 近年の研究に関するレビュー ―

Authors (in Japanese)

福田 怜生


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