
Late Pleistocene tephras and pollen fossils found in the vicinity of Mt. Kushigata, the Koma Mountains in central Japan

posted on 2025-01-31, 05:20 authored by Ryoga Ohta, Tatsuki Watanabe, Yoshihiko KariyaYoshihiko Kariya

S1:  Geomorphological map in the vicinity of Mt. Kushigata, the Koma Mountains in central Japan

Geomorphic setting of the study site, Mt. Kushigata. The background map of slope inclination image was constructed using a 5-m grid DTM from the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. Active fault traces (red solid line) are from Nakata and Imaizumi (2002). 

S2:  Microscopic images of the typical glass shards preserved in the tephra layers found in the Koma Mountains, central Japan 

Photos of volcanic glass shards in the samples. The morphological classification of glass shard refers here by Kishi and Miyawaki (1996), incorporating the chunky (ch) type that reflects quench fragmentation (Machida and Arai, 2003). 

S3:  Pollen and spore in the peat layers found in the nearby Tatenuma on the eastern flank of Mt. Kushigata, the Koma Mountains in central Japan 

Pollen and spore in the peat layers. The peat samples collected from the layers (Fig. 2, TTN-P1, TTN-P2) at the Loc. TTN (Fig. 1−B) were aliquoted in centrifuge tubes with a weight of 2–3 g. The samples were deflocculated in heated 10% KOH solution, and then rinsed with water, removing the detritus by leaching for 1h in 46% HF solution. The organic fraction was then extracted by centrifuging the sample with ZnBr2 solution (2.1 g cm-3), suspending it in the tube. The residue was washed with water, then dehydrated with acetic acid, followed by dissolving the cellulose with acetolysis solution. We prepared the specimens by sealing the washed residue with drops of glycerin. The specimens were observed under a microscope, counting pollens and spores until over 200 arboreal pollens were identified. 

S4:  Diagram of pollen and spore in the peat layers found in the nearby Tatenuma on the eastern flank of Mt. Kushigata, the Koma Mountains in central Japan 

Diagram of pollen and spore in the peat layers. This diagram indicates the percentage of arboreal pollen that is produced by the total count of arboreal pollen, and the percentage of non-arboreal pollen and fern spore that are based on the sum of pollen and spore. The taxa hyphenated in the appendix denote those that prove difficult to distinguish by themselves. The pollen of the Moraceae, Rosaceae and Leguminosae are classified here as non-arboreal pollen since the difficulty to distinguish the origin of the pollens. 

S5:  Microscopic images of typical pollen fossils in the peat layers found in the nearby Tatenuma on the eastern flank of Mt. Kushigata, the Koma Mountains in central Japan 

Photos of pollens in the peat layers. (A) Picea, (B) Tsuga, (C) Pinus subgen. Haploxylon, (D) Abies, (E) Betula, (F) Alnus, (G) Eriocaulon, (H) Cyperaceae. Sample ID used for the image capture: (A) TTN-P2, (B) TTN-P2, (C) TTN-P1, (D) TTN-P2, (E) TTN-P1, (F) TTN-P1, (G) TTN-P1, (H) TTN-P1. Specimen numbers of the pollen fossils: (A) PLC. 1942, (B) PLC. 1943, (C) PLC. 1944, (D) PLC. 1945, (E) PLC. 1946, (F) PLC. 1947, (G) PLC. 1948, (H) PLC. 1949.


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S1:地形学図 国土地理院5mDTMによる傾斜量図が基図.活断層線は中田・今泉編(2002)による. S2:火山ガラスの顕微鏡写真 火山ガラスの形態分類は岸・宮脇(1996)を参考にし,町田・新井(2003)の急冷破砕型に該当するブロック状ch型を加えた. S3:立沼近傍で発見した泥炭層中の花粉・胞子 Loc. TTN(本文図1B)で採取した泥炭(同図2,TTN-P1,TTN-P2)から遠沈管に2–3 g分取した試料は10%KOHで10分間湯煎し,水洗後46%HFを加え1時間放置して不要な基質を除去した.その後,比重2.1調整済みZnBr2を加えて遠心分離し,遠沈管に浮遊した有機物画分を回収した.水洗した有機物残渣は酢酸で脱水し,アセトリシス溶液でセルロースを溶解した.残渣は,水洗後グリセリンを滴下して封入しプレパラートを作製した.樹木花粉が200を超えるまで検鏡し,その間に現れた草本花粉・胞子を全て数えた. S4:立沼近傍で発見した泥炭層の花粉・胞子ダイアグラム 花粉分布図では樹木花粉の産出率は樹木花粉総数を,草本花粉・胞子の産出率は産出花粉胞子総数を基数とした百分率で示す.図表においてハイフン(-)で結んだ分類群はそれらの分類群間の区別が困難なものを示す.クワ科とバラ科,マメ科の花粉には樹木起源と草本起源のものがあるが,各々に分別困難なため便宜的に草本花粉に一括して入れた. S5:立沼近傍で発見した泥炭層に含まれる花粉化石の顕微鏡写真 (A)トウヒ属(Picea),(B)ツガ属(Tsuga),(C)マツ属単繊管束亜属(Pinus subgen. Haploxylon),(D)モミ属(Abies),(E)カバノキ属(Betula),(F)ハンノキ属(Alnus),(G)ホシクサ属(Eriocaulon),(H)カヤツリグサ科(Cyperaceae).撮影対象試料:(A)TTN-P2,(B)TTN-P2,(C)TTN-P1,(D)TTN-P2,(E)TTN-P1,(F)TTN-P1,(G)TTN-P1,(H)TTN-P1.花粉化石の単体標本番号:(A)PLC. 1942,(B)PLC. 1943,(C)PLC. 1944,(D)PLC. 1945,(E)PLC. 1946,(F)PLC., 1947,(G)PLC. 1948,(H)PLC. 1949.

Manuscript title (in Japanese)


Authors (in Japanese)

太田凌嘉・渡辺 樹・苅谷愛彦


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