Appendix 1. LA-ICP-MS fission-track zircon data. A: ID No. 2089. B: ID No. 19091812-1. C: ID No. 19061601. The sampling locations are as follows; ID No. 2089: 43°55'63.82"N, E144°1'25.14"E. ID No. 19091812-1: 43°43'39.86"N, 144°1'13.18"E. ID No. 19061601: 43°59'58.29"N, 144°13'23.27"E.
Appendix 1A [Foot Note]
*Particles excluded from dating
**E.S.: External Surface
Ns: Number of counted fission tracks
ρs: Spontaneous fission track density
Nu-sp: Number of area-corrected 238U counts on unknown sample
ρu-sp: Density of area-corrected 238U counts on unknown sample
Nu-std : Total count of 238U on Uranium Standard sample
ρu-std: Density of 238U counts on Uranium Standard sample
P (χ2) : probability of obtaining the χ2 value for ν degrees of freedom (ν = number or crystals - 1)
Zeta value for fission track age calibration : 43.8 ± 2.0 (yr・cm-2)