
LA-ICP-MS zircon fission-track (FT) data of three tuff and tuffaceous sandstone samples in Memanbetsu and adjacent areas, Hokkaido, Japan.

Version 2 2024-01-24, 08:50
Version 1 2024-01-23, 09:19
posted on 2024-01-24, 08:50 authored by Yoshihiro Kase, Mahito Watanabe, Keiichi Hayashi, Wataru Hirose, Tohru Danhara, Hideki Iwano, Takafumi Hirata
Appendix 1. LA-ICP-MS fission-track zircon data. A: ID No. 2089. B: ID No. 19091812-1. C: ID No. 19061601.  The sampling locations are as follows; ID No. 2089: 43°55'63.82"N, E144°1'25.14"E. ID No. 19091812-1: 43°43'39.86"N, 144°1'13.18"E. ID No. 19061601: 43°59'58.29"N, 144°13'23.27"E.


Appendix 1A [Foot Note] 

*Particles excluded from dating

**E.S.: External Surface

Ns: Number of counted fission tracks 

ρs: Spontaneous fission track density

Nu-sp: Number of area-corrected 238U counts on unknown sample
ρu-sp: Density of area-corrected 238U counts on unknown sample
Nu-std : Total count of 238U on Uranium Standard sample
ρu-std: Density of 238U counts on Uranium Standard sample
P (χ2) : probability of obtaining the χ2 value for ν degrees of freedom (ν = number or crystals - 1) 
Zeta value for fission track age calibration : 43.8 ± 2.0 (yr・cm-2)
age: t = (1/λD)・ln [1+λD・ζ・(Ns /Nu-sp)・ρu-std ]
error: σt = t×[1/ΣNs + 1/ΣNu-sp + 1/ ΣNu-std +(σζ/ζ)2]1/2 
total decay constant of 238U: λD = 1.55125×10-10 yr-1

Appendix 1B [Foot Note] 

*Particles excluded from dating

**E.S.: External Surface

Ns: Number of counted fission tracks 

ρs: Spontaneous fission track density

Nu-sp: Number of area-corrected 238U counts on unknown sample
ρu-sp: Density of area-corrected 238U counts on unknown sample
Nu-std : Total count of 238U on Uranium Standard sample
ρu-std: Density of 238U counts on Uranium Standard sample
P (χ2) : probability of obtaining the χ2 value for ν degrees of freedom (ν = number or crystals - 1) 
Zeta value for fission track age calibration : 41.5 ± 1.5 (yr・cm-2)
age: t = (1/λD)・ln [1+λD・ζ・(Ns /Nu-sp)・ρu-std ]

error: σt = t×[1/ΣNs + 1/ΣNu-sp + 1/ ΣNu-std +(σζ/ζ)2]1/2 

total decay constant of 238U: λD = 1.55125×10-10 yr-1

Appendix 1C [Foot Note] 

*Particles excluded from dating

**E.S.: External Surface

Ns: Number of counted fission tracks 

ρs: Spontaneous fission track density

Nu-sp: Number of area-corrected 238U counts on unknown sample
ρu-sp: Density of area-corrected 238U counts on unknown sample
Nu-std : Total count of 238U on Uranium Standard sample
ρu-std: Density of 238U counts on Uranium Standard sample
P (χ2) : probability of obtaining the χ2 value for ν degrees of freedom (ν = number or crystals - 1) 
Zeta value for fission track age calibration : 43.9 ± 1.4 (yr・cm-2)
age: t = (1/λD)・ln [1+λD・ζ・(Ns /Nu-sp)・ρu-std ]
error: σt = t×[1/ΣNs + 1/ΣNu-sp + 1/ ΣNu-std +(σζ/ζ)2]1/2 
total decay constant of 238U: λD = 1.55125×10-10 yr-1


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Manuscript title (in Japanese)

北海道女満別およびその周辺地域の新第三系凝灰岩・凝灰質砂岩に含まれる ジルコンFT・U–Pb 年代とその層序学的意義

Authors (in Japanese)

加瀬善洋・渡辺真人・林 圭一・廣瀬 亘・檀原 徹・岩野英樹・平田岳史


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