
Images and datesets in the article: Attraction of the Japanese pine sawyer Monochamus alternatus to trimmed pine trees

posted on 2021-11-11, 05:59 authored by Kojiro Esaki
In this study, we aimed to evaluate the risk of pine wilt disease (PWD) caused by pinewood nematode (PWN) due to the trimming of pine twigs. For this, we determined if the pine twig trimming attracts the adults of the Japanese pine sawyer (Monochamus alternatus), a potential vector of this disease. Twelve healthy pine (Pinus densiflora) trees (six each in the treatment and control group) were selected as test trees. Twigs of the six individuals in the treatment group were intensively trimmed in mid-July 2020. In figure 1 files the map of positions of P. densiflora trees used in the experiment in a pine plantation was shown. In two figure 2 files (image and dataset) were showed the distribution of twig age by the number of cut positions and the number and weight of twigs following trimming. Feeding wounds and oviposition scars created by M. alternatus following trimming were compared between the treatment and control groups. The number of feeding wounds did not significantly differ between the two groups (mean, 4.7 and 4.0 per tree). However, oviposition scars were observed only in the treatment group (mean, 1.8 per tree), indicating a significant treatment effect. In Figure 3. images of the feeding wounds and oviposition scars created by M. alternatus adults on pine trees following twig trimming were described. In two figure 4 files (image and dataset), showing that number of scars per tree and proportion of trees with the scar(s) in the treatment and control groups. Figure 5 was showed a M. alternatus male attracted to the cross section left behind by twig trimming on treatment tree C (photographed at 18:07 on July 18, 2020).


Manuscript title

Attraction of the Japanese pine sawyer Monochamus alternatus to trimmed pine trees

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マツ類のせん定がマツ材線虫病の罹病リスクに及ぼす影響を明らかにするために, 2020年7月中旬に健全なアカマツ生立木6本の樹冠に比較的強度なせん定処理を行い(処理区),幹や枝条に形成されたマツノマダラカミキリ成虫の後食痕数および産卵痕数を無処理木6本(対照区)と比較を行った。図-1では処理木の位置、図-2ではせん定処理木におけるせん定箇所数,枝数,重量の枝の齢分布を示し、さらにデータセットについて追加した。せん定処理後の調査期間に形成された後食痕数は,処理区と対照区それぞれ木あたり4.7個と4.0個で,処理の影響は認められなかった。一方,産卵痕は処理区のみで木あたり1.8個形成され,処理の影響が認められた。図-3ではせん定処理木に形成されたマツノマダラカミキリの後食痕および産卵痕の写真を示した。図-4ではせん定処理木6本(処理区)および無処理木6本(対照区)における木あたり後食痕数および産卵痕数と本数割合(%)を図示し、さらにデータセットを追加した。図-5には処理木Cのせん定箇所に誘引されたマツノマダラカミキリのオス成虫(2020年7月18日,18時7分撮影)を示した。

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    日本森林学会誌/Journal of the Japanese Forest Society


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