Experience sampling data of daily economic behaviors and emotions
The data were obtained through an experience sampling method (ESM) survey of 71 adults (33 males and 38 females, ages 21-67) living in Japan. Exkuma software (https://exkuma.com) was used to record the response timing and collect the response data.
A pre-survey was conducted on the first day of the survey (Day 1). Respondents reported their gender, age, household income, and subjective economic status. Individual differences in gain-approach/loss-avoidance orientations were measured using 14 items from the Japanese version of the Promotion/Prevention Focus Scale (PPFS-J; Ozaki & Karasawa, 2011).
From the second day of the survey, a 7-day ESM survey was conducted (Days 2-8). As a survey procedure, four signals were sent to participants' smartphones each day at random times between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. to prompt them to respond to an online survey. Participants rated their emotional state at the time of response using a 7-point scale, and then reported on their recent economic behaviors (consumption or saving) within the hour prior to the beginning of the response. The variables comprising the data are as follows: SignalDate (Date and time of signal transmission), SignalSeconds (Time from transmission to responding in seconds), SignalOrder (Signal order, range: 1-28), StartDate (Start date and time of response), FinishDate (Finish date and time of response), SurveySeconds (Duration of response in seconds), id (ID number of participants), e_prom_pos (Rating of promotion-related positive emotion “cheerful”, range: 1-7), e_prev_pos (Rating of prevention-related positive emotion “calm”, range: 1-7), e_prom_neg (Rating of promotion-related negative emotion “dejected”, range: 1-7), e_prev_neg (Rating of prevention-related negative emotion “agitated”, range: 1-7), done_c (Recent consumption behavior; yes = 1, no = 0), done_s (Recent saving behavior; yes = 1, no = 0), age (Age), gender (Gender; male = 1, female = -1, no response = 0), income (Annual income in millions of yen; No response = .), economic_s (Subjective economic status, range: 1-7), prom_scale (Gain-approach orientation, range: 1-7), prev_scale (Loss-aversion orientation, range: 1-7), age_m_c (Age [grand-mean centered]), income_m_c (Income [grand-mean centered]; No response was converted to “0”), prom_m_c (Gain-approach orientation [grand-mean centered]). prev_m_c (Loss-aversion orientation [grand-mean centered]), economic_m_c (Subjective economic status [grand-mean centered]).