
Dataset of Study 1 that replicates Diener et al. (2001) with a between-participants factorial design

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posted on 2025-01-09, 09:26 authored by Yoshitsugu Fujishima

These data are a direct replicate of the data in Diener et al. (2001) (Related Materials 2). A total of 237 students (mean age 18.90 years, standard deviation 1.02 years) attending a women's university in Tokyo participated in the experiment. Two scenarios were presented using an online survey system, and participants were asked to answer questions about each scenario. The two scenarios were positive and negative, and were presented in a fixed order from positive to negative. In each scenario, an experimental manipulation was performed for additional information. Due to the restrictions of the online system, the additional information condition was randomly assigned in each scenario. In the no extension condition, the subject saw the sudden death of the target person. In the extension condition, the subject saw that the target person lived a moderate life for five years. The participants then responded to two questions about the characters on a 9-point scale. The variables in the data were as follows: “id” (participant ID), “date_created” (start time of answer), “date_modified” (end time of answer), “age” (participant's age), “gender” (participant's gender: 0: male, 1: female), “department” (faculty affiliation), “condition1” (experimental condition for positive scenario; 0: no extension, 1: extension), “rate11” (desirability rating for positive scenario), “rate12” (happiness rating for positive scenario), “condition2” (experimental condition for negative scenario; 0: no extension, 1: extension), “rate21” (negation (desirability rating of the negative scenario)), “rate22” (happiness rating of the negative scenario), “rateh” (happiness score of the positive scenario), and “rateu” (happiness score of the negative scenario).


Building the groundwork for social psychology: Meta-analyses of unpublished studies in Japan and direct replications

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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Title (in Japanese)

Diener et al.(2001)参加者間要因配置追試データ(研究1)

Description (in Japanese)

当該データは,Diener et al.(2001)の直接的追試データである。東京都内の女子大学に通う学生237名(平均年齢18.90 歳, 標準偏差1.02)が実験に参加した。オンライン調査システムを利用し,シナリオを2つ呈示し,それぞれについて質問への回答を求めた。シナリオは肯定シナリオと否定シナリオの2種類があり,肯定から否定への順番で呈示した。各シナリオで付加情報について実験操作を行った。オンラインシステムの仕様により,各シナリオで付加情報の条件は無作為配置された。延長なし条件では,「突然亡くなった」と呈示した。延長あり条件では,「5年間,程々の生活を送った」と呈示した。その後,登場人物に関わる2つの質問に9件法で回答した。データ内の変数は次のとおりである。id(参加者ID),date_created(回答開始時刻),date_modified(解答終了時刻),age(参加者の年齢),gender(参加者の性別: 0:男性, 1:女性),department(所属学部),condition1(肯定シナリオの実験条件; 0: 延長なし,1: 延長あり),rate11(肯定シナリオの望ましさ評定),rate12(肯定シナリオの幸福度評定),condition2(否定シナリオの実験条件: 0: 延長なし,1: 延長あり),rate21(否定シナリオの望ましさ評定),rate22(否定シナリオの幸福度評定),rateh(肯定シナリオの幸福度得点),rateu(否定シナリオの幸福度得点)。

Manuscript title (in Japanese)

結末情報の付加が幸福度判断に及ぼす影響 ― 異なる要因配置によるDiener, Wirtz, & Oishi(2001)の追試 ―

Authors (in Japanese)

藤島 喜嗣


© 2025 The Author(s).

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