The calculation results, radiative fluxes, flux convergences, temperature tendencies, and equilibrium profiles, by the developed radiation models for planetary atmospheres.
Version 2 2022-11-01, 07:28Version 2 2022-11-01, 07:28
Version 1 2022-10-20, 06:45Version 1 2022-10-20, 06:45
posted on 2022-11-01, 07:28authored byYoshiyuki Takahashi, Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi, George Hashimoto, Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Masaki Ishiwatari
These are data used to create figures shown in a paper by Takahashi et al. The paper describes the development of radiation models for planetary atmospheres, such as Venus and Mars. The calculation results, radiative fluxes, flux convergences, temperature tendencies, by the developed radiation models are included in the data files. In addition, some other values associated with the radiation model development are also included in the data files.
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