Data on the gnawing damage on planted trees, vole abundance in October, snow accumulation and rodenticide application in Hokkaido during 1991–1999
The gnawing damage on planted trees were surveyed by Hokkaido Government in June during 1991–1999 to clarify the quantitative relationship between vole abundance, rodenticide application and occurrence of damage. As a general rule, 100 trees were surveyed at each site.
The longitude and latitude are those of the centroid of forest compartment that including each study site. The longitude and latitude are the same when study sites were moved within the compartment. The code for the 3rd mesh (ca. 1 × 1 km) is presented for this location.
Trapping was carried out on 0.5 ha (50 ×100 m) grids, where 50 snap traps were set at 10-m intervals for three nights in October of the previous year. The number of voles Craseomys rufocanus bedfordiae captured per 150 trap night at each site were used as the vole abundance data.
The maximum snow depth and length of snow period in the survey year at each mesh were obtained from the Agro-Meteorological Grid Square Data, NARO.
Please see the manuscript (in Japanese) for more detail.
PG, Picea glehnii; LK, Larix kaempferi; LG, Larix gmelinii var. japonica and L. gmelinii x L. kaempferi; CJ, Cryptomeria japonica; PA, Picea abies; AS, Abies sachalinensis; BL, Broadleaved species
Age class
I, 1 - 5 years old; II, 6 - 10 years old; III, ≥11 years old