Consumer Choice between Purchasing Novels and Subscribing to Novel Streaming Services
This dataset comprises the results of a survey conducted on 146 consumers. The dependent variable (Y) represents “Consumer Choice between Purchasing Novels and Subscribing to Novel Streaming Services,” where consumers who choose the former are coded as Y=0, and those who choose the latter are coded as Y=1. The independent variables (X) are measured using a 7-point Likert scale.
The X1 group consists of variables assessing “Product Cost” perception, including X11 “Perceived affordability of subscribing to novel streaming services compared to buying novels,” X12 “Perceived cost-effectiveness of subscribing to novel streaming services compared to buying novels,” and X13 “Perceived rationality of pricing for subscribing to novel streaming services compared to buying novels.”
The X2 group consists of variables assessing “Product Variety” perception, including X21 “Perceived ability to choose from a wide range of content by subscribing to novel streaming services compared to buying novels,” X22 “Perceived availability of diverse options by subscribing to novel streaming services compared to buying novels,” and X23 “Perceived ease of finding content tailored to personal needs by subscribing to novel streaming services compared to buying novels.”
The X3 group consists of variables assessing “Product Quality” perception, including X31 “Perceived higher quality of content enjoyment when buying novels compared to subscribing to novel streaming services,” X32 “Perceived enhanced content enjoyment by buying novels compared to subscribing to novel streaming services,” and X33 “Perceived higher textual quality when buying novels compared to subscribing to novel streaming services.”
The X4 group consists of variables assessing “Product Ownership” perception, including X41 “Perceived enjoyment in owning novels compared to subscribing to novel streaming services,” X42 “Perceived pleasure in owning novels compared to subscribing to novel streaming services,” and X43 “Perceived attachment to the product (novels) distinct from subscribing to novel streaming services.”