A list of vascular plants in Tsukuba Botanical Garden as of 31 December 2023
Table S1. Planting areas in the garden where each taxon grows.
Planting areas in the garden where each taxon grows. *Numbers correspond to those in Fig. 1 of the associated paper and also in the column ‘Area in the garden' in Table S2.
Table S2. A list of vascular plants in Tsukuba Botanical Garden as of 31 December 2023.
Vascular plants cultivated and growing spontaneously in Tsukuba Botanical Garden, National Museum of Nature and Science (Tsukuba, Japan) are listed as of 31 December 2023. All currently living taxa were summarized from data of 170,768 individual plants in the living collection database of the Garden. Individuals that were unidentified or of doubtful identification were not listed. Descriptions in the column ‘Area in the garden' were shown in Table S1. In the column ‘Red list category’, the category of plant taxa in Red List 2020 (Ministry of the Environment, 2020) is denoted by the following abbreviations: EX: Extinct, EW: Extinct in the Wild, CR: Critically Endangered, EN: Endangered, VU: Vulnerable, NT: Near Threatened, DD: Data Deficient. Threatened taxa for which it is unclear whether the collection held is Japanese origin or not are marked with *, while those of foreign origin are marked with an **. Taxa endemic to Japan based on the list by Kato and Ebihara (2011) are shown by ‘YES’ in the column ‘Endemic species of Japan'.